Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Jenna and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week

I currently feel like crap. An elephant, or something is caught up in my sinuses making me extremely congested. My nose is constantly running, making me have to CONSTANTLY blow my nose. I sneezed more time than I can count today. My school load is ENORMOUS, I have so much to do. All I want to do is sleep but I don't have the time since I am so stressed. I missed two days of school last week and I have important stuff (making chocolate cake, math quiz, learning new things in math, APUSH test etc) the rest of this weekend so I don't think I can miss another day. I am in a horrible mood and have been extremely emotional for some reason, almost always on the verge of tears. This term needs to be over.
Okay, now I have vented. The next step is to build a bridge and get over it.

Friday, March 18, 2011


On March 18, 1929 Herbert Fantle came into the world. Which means today he celebrated his 82th birthday. To honor this day my parents, little brother and myself went over to his and my grandma's house. My grandma made us a wonderful dinner of corn-beef as a nod to St. Patrick's Day which was yesterday. 

I really enjoyed spending this quality time with my grandparents. My grandpa is a very unique man with and interesting past, he was born an only child in Austria. He and his family were forced to move out of the country because they were Jewish and they would have been killed by the Nazis if they stayed. My great-grandpa actually spend some time in a concentration camp so the danger was real. Because of the Holocaust, which killed off a lot of him family, my grandpa doesn't have many living relatives. He only has a few left and they are all very distant. His family eventually ended up in America. While he met and married Betty Waller and had two baby boys, one of which is now my father. 

I used to always think my grandpa was a grumpy old man. My grandpa barely ever smiles. He also has a interesting sense of humor that I am just beginning to understand. I now think my grandpa is hysterical, in the most bizarre way but funny none the less ;). He can always make me chuckle and spending time with him gives me time to try out some of my own jokes. I hope I can celebrate many more birthdays with my grandpa Herb because I love him a lot. <3

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Best Friends FOREVER?

The other day someone asked me "Who is your best friend?" This caught me off guard for a couple reasons. (1) It was out of the blue, I wasn't prepared for the question and (2) I wasn't 100% sure how to answer. Don't get me wrong, I have friends. But I don't have ONE BEST friend, at the moment. I have several best friends. Another thing that complicated my answer is I have different groups of friends and I have different best friends from each of them. I have school best friends, best friends from religious school/ my synagogue's youth group, NFTY best friends (which is a North American Jewish youth group) and etc. There isn't one person that I am closest too, my friendship is different with all of them.
You might be wondering how I answered the question. The person shortly after rephrased it to include people I hang out with giving me more time to wrap my mind around the question. I ended up saying around 5 of my best friends from school. Though it was such a simple question it has really got me thinking about who my best friends really are. And how times have changed...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mind Reader

Edward Cullen has always fascinated me. Not in the way he fascinates some girls. Personally the whole "I don't need to wash my hair" thing is a big turn off. The fact that he can read minds makes me envy him. I wish I knew what other people are thinking. Sometimes it is just so hard to understand what goes on in people's head. But I would NEVER want someone to be able to read my mind! It is such an invasion of privacy. My private thoughts should stay MY PRIVATE thoughts! Basically moral of the story I am a hypocrite. I want to read other peoples minds but if anyone ever read my mind I would NOT be okay with that. The best compromise is to have no one able to read minds. Lets leave supernatural powers for books and movies. :) 

Thursday, January 20, 2011


My favorite day of the week is Thursday. It has been Thursday for a while due to the fact I seem to be most productive on Thursdays and it's so close to Friday and the weekend. This year I have an extra reason to love Thursdays and it's called, CREATIVE WRITING CLUB. Creative Writing Club is by far the BEST club at Wayzata High School. Every week I get really excited to go and normally have at least one spaz attack. I am not even sure why I love it so much... A lot of the time I don't even feel like writing so I just sit there and chill and due to limited time if I do write my stories/poems/writings are normally REALLY bad. But it doesn't matter I still look forward to go to it every Thursday after school in C316 (or at least I think that is the room number...). I think I look forward to it because it's a good way to relax after school, the people in the club are also really fun, and I feel really comfortable when I am at club. If I don't feel like talking I feel perfectly comfortable just sitting in the classroom thinking by myself, and no one else in club would think it was weird either. It is definitely a judgment free zone! And being in high school it's nice to hang out with your peers and not have to worry about who you are. :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Who I Am . :)

I am Jenna Fantle, currently a junior in high school. The point of this blog is for me too have a place to share bits and pieces of my life and share my thoughts. I haven't given too much thought about what I will write on this blog but we'll figure that out together. Come with me as we experience all the adventures of my life. :)